A Message from EC3
The COVID-19 crisis has put pressure on many artists and arts, culture, and heritage (ACH) organizations to rapidly adapt their way of working, and their way of reaching out to audiences, sponsors, and donors. Some of these challenges are technological – how to adapt to a digital-first model – and some are wider, requiring organizations to make fundamental decisions about how to be successful in the midst of a pandemic.
Everyone is facing these challenges at the same time, and there are a plethora of resources and guides to help artists and ACH organizations with the transition: how to adapt workflow, how to reach an audience, how to reach donors and funders, how to do digital conferencing, how to move programming online and more.
In a previous Bulletin, we highlighted a number of local programs helping artists and ACH organizations get online. This Bulletin will highlight more resources available across the internet to help artists and ACH organizations adapt, survive, and thrive during the pandemic.
Adapting Your Operations and Programming Model for COVID-19
Business/Arts’ new series How are you Adapting? features interviews with arts leaders about how they’re adapting their programming and business models in light of COVID-19.
Charity Village provides advice on volunteer management during a public health emergency.
Community Foundations of Canada has advice on dealing with COVID-19 as a community foundation. Check the ‘Additional Resources and Guides’ section at the bottom for links relevant to any non-profit organization.
Polling company Gallup offers some research-based advice on how to create a successful remote work environment.
Keela, makers of a software suite for non-profits, is hosting a free, month-long webinar about how non-profits can adapt to these challenging times. Recommended by Charity Village.
The Leadership Emergency Arts Network (LEAN) is grassroots, pro bono response network to help Canadian professional non-profit arts organizations (big and small) deal with what is coming at them during this crisis.
Charitable donation platform Canada Helps has a webinar on Online Fundraising in a Virtual World, as well as 7 Creative Virtual Fundraising Ideas You Can Use To Replace Your Cancelled Event.
Check out Check out Charity Village’s article Five Things Fundraisers Should be Doing Right Now.
Digital Conferencing
Microsoft is offering a free, six-month trial of the premium tier of their digital collaboration and conferencing tool Microsoft Teams.
Performing arts non-profit service organization Ontario Presents is making their conferencing service available free of charge to Ontario-based artists and arts organizations.
TechSoup, a charitable group that offers discounts on digital products, has deals available on popular digital conferencing tool Zoom for Canadian charities and non-profits.
Selling Online
Locally, the Peterborough Innovation Cluster is offering a number of courses for organizations affected by the pandemic, including one on Digital Marketing and Selling During COVID-19.
Artwork Archive offers a list of digital tools for artists to run a remote career during COVID-19.
Digital Main Street has a Digital Starter Kit for Small Business full of tips and tools for getting business started online.
Shopify’s Shopify Academy provides training on setting up an online store.
Reaching an Audience Online
CBC Arts offers a long list of social media challenge projects and hashtags that artists can participate in.
CBC Music provides advice on how to successfully host a live music event from home.
International Council of Museums has advice on How to reach – and engage – your public remotely.
Zoom’s Best Practices for Hosting a Digital Event.
Paying Artists
CARFAC has released recommended practices for paying artists during the COVID-19 crisis.
Lists of Resources
Here are a few large lists of resources from Canadian and international ACH and charitable organizations, with information on a wide variety of topics:
Association of Fundraising Professionals
Please stay well and let us know how we can help.
As always, keep checking the EC3 Facebook page, @ECThreePtbo on Twitter, @ec3ptbo on Instagram, and the COVID-19 Updates page on EC3’s website, where we are providing daily updates on programs and services available for ACH workers and organizations.
It’s a tough time for sure. Everyone is feeling the pressure. Hope these tools help along the way. Be safe, stay healthy, and please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Su Ditta and the EC3 Board and staff
Su Ditta
Executive Director
Electric City Culture Council (EC3)
705 749 9101